onsdag 5. februar 2014

05.02.2014 server igjen

Så idag har jeg jobba mye med server.
Har nesten blitt ferdig med oppgavene, eller hvertfall nesten ferdig med den store oppgaven da har kommet ganske langt, men jeg sitter fest på det og lagre standard brukere og litt andre ting.
Men her er hvertfall den jeg følger for og lage standardbrukerene

  1. Log on as an administrator to the server that can host the user's redirected folders.
  2. Locate the top-level folder that can hold the user's redirected documents (for example, D:\Redirected, which is shared as \\Server\Redirected\) by using Windows Explorer. Right-click the folder, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Security tab.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Click to clear the Allow inheritable permissions from the parent to propagate to this object and all child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here. check box.
  6. When you are prompted to copy or remove permissions, click Remove.
  7. If the Administrators group is not present, click Add, type Administrators, and then click OK.
  8. Select the Administrators group, and then click Edit.
  9. Verify that the Full Control permission is set to Allow, and then click OK.
  10. Click Add, and add System and Creator Owner to the Permissions entries.
  11. Verify that the System and Creator Owner objects have the Full Control / Allow permission.
  12. Click Add, add Authenticated Users, and then set the following permissions to Allow:
  13. Create Folders / Append Data
  • Read Permissions
  • Read Attributes
  • Read Extended Attributes
Dette er tatt fra (http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/724a10d8-c296-43b3-8d70-66f14dd26186/windows-server-2008-sharentfs-permissions-on-home-directoriesfolders) 

Men nå har jeg ikke mere tid til og jobbe med de praktiske oppgavene så jeg får bare gjort de teoretiske oppgavene hjemme.  

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